Nov 19, 2010

Why is this Qi Gong order so simple?

You might notice that the Qi Gong order starts out slow with subtle changes. I mean, for the first four steps in the physical order you barely move apart from breathing.

Is this really Qi Gong? ... Yes. You are cultivating your complete Qi in a meditative state..

Each of the 4 orders describes the complete experience of one body. So you see steps that are much more basic than ordinary Qi Gong movements. You start at the most basic aspect of the physical body >>> Inertness. Then you progressively experience the body to its highest expression, as you will see later.

The steps of each order build upon each other. Ultimately to express the highest in the physical body, you need to cultivate the Qi in all the preceding steps. So.... first cultivate the body mass, ... then the breathing, ... then the filling the body with your spirit, ... then the connecting your spirit to the body.  It sounds too simple, but ultimately the spirit you breath into your body in the first four steps performs a high function.

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